Gigi and I were so excited to make a gingerbread house with Amelia... So excited, that we, and by "we", I mean GiGi, started squeezing frosting everywhere in attempt to get the house put together as fast as possible. The candy was already open, and Amelia was digging in. After a few minutes, the roof started to cave in, then the walls, and then it collapsed. Amelia could have cared less, because she was still stuffing candy in her mouth. She just looked up at us and said, "You should've read the directions..."
Ezra's Birth
6 years ago
So so funny! I can't tell you how many times this exact thing has happened to us. My mother-in-law always lets the kids decorate one at Christmas, but she hot glues in together first. Smart, smart lady.
Now we know!!!! I'm not done yet... I am determined to get this house to stay together!!
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