Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Fun!

You can now call her DJ AM
Most everyone knows how much Amelia loves to dress-up. It is an all day affair at my house - from the moment she wakes up. Literally. Christmas morning was no different, of course! We got to see Amelia in her cute Christmas PJ's, then Amelia as Cinderella, then Amelia as a Bride, and finally Amelia as Ariel. She spent a good 45 minutes "swimming" around on the floor. Thought my little sweetie was going to fall asleep right in the middle of all her hard swimming. She loved all her new outfits and have grown especially fond of the bride one which she wants to change into when she wakes, when she goes to bed, etc. 
Taking a swim across the floor
Admiring herself in the mirror - no shocker there
Impromptu dance courtesy of new Scary Singing Barbie Head(see 2nd pic below)
Her new Chihuahua
Scary Singing Barbie Head
Her Barbie Dreamhouse


Southern Mama said...

OOOO! Santa left way too much at Amelia's house!!!! What am I saying... you left way too much at mine, too!

The bride DJ is the funniest thing! Love it!

maribeth said...

who bought her scary singing barbie head? and does it sing randomly,like when it detects motion? even scarier!

me too, anne!